Have you experienced a urinary tract infection?
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) can occur suddenly and they might be quite uncomfortable. Have you struggled to choose a remedy for acute UTIs? There are a few different homoeopathic remedies that can be useful.
This is a flow chart which can help to choose the correct remedy for acute UTIs:

Remedies from the flow chart – distinguished features
Here are the remedies from the flow chart to choose from, that may help with acute urinary tract infections:
ACID NIT– Scanty urine, dark in colour. Burning and stinging sensation. Better movement, worse in the evening and at night.
ARGENT NIT– Burning pain and itching. Divided stream of urine. Better in fresh air and cold, worse in warmth and at night.
CANTHARIS– Scalding urine passes drop-wise. Constant desire to urinate. Better by warmth, worse by drinking cold water.
CAUSTICUM– Involuntary passage of urine when coughing, sneezing or excited. Better in the warmth and heat of bed, worse cold air and movement.
LYCOPODIUM– Pain in the back before urinating ceases after flow. Much straining. Polyuria during the night. Better being uncovered, worse heat or warmth of the room.
NUX VOMICA– Irritable bladder, frequent passage of small quantities of urine. Better in the evening at rest, worse in the morning and in the cold.
SARSAPARILLA– Urine dribbles, bladder distended and tender. A child often screams before and while passing urine. Better in cool dry air, but worse at night and after urinating.
STAPHISAGRIA– Burning sensation during urination. Better warmth and rest at night, worse emotional upset and tobacco. Women- after intercourse.
Urinary tract infections are usually related to our emotional state and looking into the totality of the symptoms allows homoeopaths to prescribe homoeopathic remedies to regain balance.
Are you having any recurring states you need to balance out?
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