Hello this summer! Any recurring ailments on your nails?

Toenail fungal infection might be sometimes a recurring state. One of my patients suffered from it on and off for nearly 10 years. With help of homeopathic remedies, change of a diet and hygiene habits we finally managed to clear her susceptibility.

It usually takes more than one remedy for recurring states to go away for good. Nosodes and miasmatic remedies are often needed to prevent infectious state from coming back.

What homeopathy can offer?

Some of the remedies to consider:
THUJA– Nails are discoloured and soft, out of shape, crippled, brittle and soft. The nails may crumble or break. Patients may think they are unclean or ugly.

ANT CRUD– Nails are very brittle and break easily. The original shape of the nails is distorted and the nails grow out of shape, nails are split and grow at a very slow pace. The patient seems to get unusually irritated at the slightest things.

SILICA– Crippled and brittle nails. Patients who have very cold and sweaty feet with thickened nails. Nails might be disfigured. Sharp, unbearable pain in toe nail making patient restless and irritable.

GRAPHITES– The toenails grow inwards and they tend to ulcerate with surrounding tissue swollen. The nails are thickening or there might be deformity of nails which break easily. Patient experiences deep seated pain which cannot bear the touch.

What recurring skin infections are troubling you today?

Recurring states might be not so easy to shift and often require some additional changes in our daily habits. More alkaline diet and making sure we keep nails short and we dry our feet properly might be essential in order to reduce a chance of toenail fungal infection to return.

Deep susceptibilities to fungal states are treated with miasmatic remedies under supervision of homeopath. The full consultation taken can show the family history and how susceptibilities can be changed. It’s a process but it’s worth it.
Let’s talk about homeopathy!



How is your throat today?

Summer is here and some different summer ailments. In my last blog I have described ear ache and remedies which can be useful for it. You can check it out here.

Another summer ailment which quite often may trouble us during our summer escapes is a sore throat. It is sometimes enough to have ice cream on a hot day or too much of a cold drink to suffer from throat pain for the next few days. So, what homeopathy can offer?

Homeopathic solutions

Here you can check it sore throat remedies:
Hepar Sulph
Merc sol and other Mercuries remedies

That’s just a few helpful remedies when we have a painful throat. But how to make the right choice between them?

Nitty gritty- how to find the right remedy.

First and the most is to know is a causation. Is it a cold drink or exposure to wind which started our symptoms? Or maybe wet feet and dehydration?

Then it is important to look at modalities within the remedy picture and how the sore throat feels? Sore throat might be burning, stabbing or feel constricted. The throat might be swollen or covered with pus. A feeling of a lump in the throat or rawness can indicate specific remedies. Is the sore throat worse or better after some liquids or foods? What temperature of drinks do we want to have?

What is the location of the pain in the throat (left or the right side) How is a general energy and an emotional state? How is a thermal state? Any other symptoms are we experiencing?


So, there is no difference with other acute ailments. It is the same in case of sore throat. We want to know quite a lot about the patient to be able to prescribe the most indicated remedies. Sometimes it may happen that sore throat is recurring and a person suffers from it every month. Then definitely looking into the deeper emotional states,  susceptibilities and weak organs is important. Also, family history to know where the miasmatic influences are and can be modified.

Other things to take into consideration are things like medications used and other treatment we went through including dental work. All of this information is gathered and analysed by a homeopath during a full consultation.

Wishing you the great escapes this summer and hopefully the sore throat will not get us this season. 😉Let’s speak about homeopathy!



Are you having an earache today?

Hello! Hopefully a beautiful summer is just round the corner and unfortunately some ailments with it too…

Are you having an earache today? It is a common spring/summer ailment.

Water, wind,  changing an altitude or air pressure when you are enjoying summer diving can cause our ears to be painful and unpleasant.

Homeopathy have some solutions for it, check it out below 😊

Homeopathic solutions

Swelling and pain behind the ears, inflammation of mastoid, extremely sore and tender to touch. Otorrhea and mastoid disease before suppuration. Burning and stinging in ears. Better while eating, from heat. Worse open air, uncovering, draughts.

Otorrhea, thick bland discharge, offensive odour. Externa; ear swollen and red. Catarrhal otitis, otalgia worse at night. Diminishes acuteness of hearing. Worse warm room, lying on left or on painless side. Better open air, motion, cold application.

Otalgia with sense of obstruction, neuralgia on the left side of the face, deafness. Worse change of temperature, talking, sneezing, biting hard, from 9 am-4pm.

Earache, swelling and heat driving patient frantic. Stitching pain. Worse by heat, anger, open air, wind, night. Better from being carried, warm wet weather.

How do you manage your earache or swimmer’s ear when it happens?

Apart from remedies for an acute earache homeopathy can help to lessen your susceptibility to have an earache and other acute complaints by using remedies called nosodes and miasmatic remedies.

These remedies can help to clear the specific layers within us which makes us more prone to have certain states. This process requires few consultations with a homeopath. Consultations are available here.

If you need more tips about homeopathic remedies  to take for your summer travel , you can read the blog here 6 Top remedies to travel with.

So how is your health today? Let’s talk about homeopathy 😊



How to help yourself when you go through surgery?

Surgery- what may happen?

Having surgery is not pleasant moment in life but sometimes we all need it go through one. I had a few myself and remember a lot of anticipation and stress which it caused, just waiting for it to happen.
But also, how uneasy might be afterwards when you are in pain, have some swelling and feeling unwell after anaesthesia.

And other things which can bother us when we really should be recovering. I did not know about homeopathy at the time but it can be a great help for pre and postsurgical problems. If you think about it is so important to minimise this impact to have the best outcome of the surgery itself.

Arnica and its great properties!

So, let’s have a look together on some remedies which you may find useful on the journey of surgery.
First and the most important remedy is Arnica which seems to be around forever and is one of the remedies you know even if you do not know homeopathy. Even doctors who call homeopathy placebo when they hear Arnica they react with enthusiasm or opposite- screaming a big no!
Do not use it can thin your blood and cause bleeding! Why? Because it works marvelously!

A quick explanation about the thinning of the blood. Arnica is an excellent remedy for post-surgical bruising, physical trauma and pain however should not be used in conjunction with allopathic thinning agents e.g. antithrombotic injections and antiplatelet medicines.

Another tip of advice, it should not be taken before surgery because believe or not it works so effectively that by increasing circulation may stop anesthesia to work fully in some sensitive individuals. Definitely you do not want that when you go under the knife of a surgeon.

Arnica use it after not before surgery.
Avoid using together with blood thinning agents

Other complementary remedies

Moving forward another remedy to consider is a sister of Arnica called Bellis Perenis for deep muscle damage and to help organs to readjust post -surgical intervention and to go back to their place. When surgery involves an organ removal or partial organ removal e.g. tumour organs need to find a new place in the abdominal cavity.

Bellis perenis is a great remedy for this symptom alongside Staphysagria which helps with an incision during the surgery. It ameliorates trauma associated with a cut itself, laceration and stretching of the skin. Staphysagria is the first remedy, or second after Arnica, to think of when there is a cesarean section which in actual fact is a surgery.

Surgery can be quite depleting in our healing properties which is so important in this process and here Calendula comes to play. It is a beautiful remedy which helps skin and wounds heal. Together with Hypericum, known as a Hypercal in herbal form, it works as antiseptic and prevents wound from getting infected. Hypericum as a homeopathic remedy also helps with pain associated with nerves being damaged during the procedure to help them heal. Surgical incision and scarring are often the most painful areas after a few weeks post surgery.

These five remedies: Arnica, Bellis Perenis, Staphysagria, Calendula and Hypericum are basic remedies which are useful around surgery but there are few other remedies to think of.

Other remedies

Depending how the surgery goes and if you need general anaesthesia which can cause nausea and vomiting that is why taking it in a homeopathic form can ameliorate this effect. The remedy is called Anaesthetic mix and consists of allopathic medicines.

Given my personal experience with this, I did not feel well post my surgery a few years ago and it was mainly due to the effect of general anaesthesia. I had so much pain when the tube was pulled out (Calendula and Hypericum could have helped me) and I felt full of mucus and difficulty breathing due to airways suppression with general anaesthesia. It is there when I could use this remedy but I did not know about homeopathy at the time.

Other remedies I could have had used were Antimonium Tartaricum for this rattling of mucus which I could not have bring up and possibly Phosphorus due to feeling sick with being thirsty for cold drinks and Nux Vomica to support detoxification and liver function post- surgery.

Additional remedies: Anasthetic mix, Antimonium Tartaricum, Phosporus and Nux Vomica.
Another personal experience happened when I was a teenager. I had a simple procedure called arthroscopy which is a diagnostic procedure when a camera is inserted through a couple of small holes into the knee which allows you to see the joint and anything that happens in it. These holes and camera inserted cause a stabbing wound were remedy called Ledum pallustre can help with.

Puncture holes- Ledum, Bone-knit -Symphytum, Bone injuries- Ruta

Some other remedies to consider is Opium when morphine is used around surgery and for post-surgical pain. That often happens around limb’s surgeries and in case of broken bones which leads me to the next important remedy called Symphytum. It is a bone knit and given in case of broken bone post -surgery, where the alignment of the bone structure is recovered, Symphytum speeds up healing of the bone and helping with bone pain after fracture. In case of injury with broken bone Ruta officinalis can be also an enormous help but that is not a subject of this blog …

Conclusion and more

So just to summarize, these basic remedies after surgery are Arnica, Calendula, Bellis perenis, Hypericum and Staphysagria with precautions in use of Arnica as explained earlier.

All the remedies explained in this blog can be used around surgery of our loved animals too. There are other remedies which can also help, some mentioned in this blog but it is very individual how we heal.
In my opinion as a homeopath during preparation for surgical intervention it is good to consider buying an Essential kit if we have not done that already. Variety of remedies in the kit allows to cover changeability of the post-surgical state and makes us less anxious in this quite stressful moment.

I have not touched much on remedies for fear and anticipation which also can be useful, just to mention a handful like Aconite, Argentum Nitricum, Gelsemium or Arsenicum album. They may be additional support while waiting for surgery alongside some Bach flower essences and other relaxation techniques.

In short words homeopathy is a great help which can significantly change the outcome of the surgical procedure so it is worth considering.
Let’s speak about homeopathy!

Remedies for anticipation: Aconite, Argentum Nitricum, Gelsemium or Arsenicum album


What should you tell your homeopath to get the best outcome of your acute consultation?

Are you new to homeopathy? Or is it your first homeopathic consultation? Homeopathy requires specific information to be able to provide the most accurate treatment. The way homeopathy looks at a person is quite different from conventional medicine. It is not enough to say to your homeopath for example I have a headache.

Homeopath should be told:

1. When did it start and what happened before your headache occurred?

Triggers: weather, food, emotions etc – which we understand as an AETIOLOGY

Why is it so important? In homeopathy there is a methodology allowing to prescribe remedy based on immediate causation. The knowledge of what happened allows us to use this method in order to choose a remedy.

2. Where is your headache?

Which part of the head? left/right/temples/frontal

Which we indicate as LOCATION
Each picture of symptoms we want to treat is as unique as possible so having an exact location makes it more accurate to look at specific remedies.

3. How does it feel?

Is it sharp, stabbing or burning pain? How is your feeling of the symptom? – which we understand as SENSATIONS
Same as above, your headache and mine headache might feel very different and in order to direct to the most appropriate remedies for yours.

4. Any other symptoms which you are experiencing alongside your headache?

For example: vomiting, vertigo, sore throat etc…

What we indicate as a CONCOMITANT

Coexisting symptoms are helping to categorise a type of your complaint and also pinpoint the remedies which in their picture have these prominent symptoms.

5. What makes a headache better or worse?

For example, lying down/ moving, warm/hot, food/drinks pressure on it, understand as MODALITIES

That is again another clue in the puzzle to a remedy theme. Most of the remedies in homeopathy have specific modalities in their symptoms picture, for example symptoms of Bryonia are better on lying down and picture of Pulsatilla is generally better outside than indoors.

These are basic information which are needed as a start to good results of prescribing most similar remedy/remedies in case of acute state.

There is also further information which may direct homeopath to the best similar remedy for presenting a picture of symptoms.

1. Energy of a patient

Has energy changed since they have a complaint?

Are they agitated (mentally/physically)? Or is a person dull/ sleepy?

This is important information because it indicates how we react to the emotional or other triggers, again pointing us to different remedies.

2. How is their thirst?

Or are they thirstless? Any change in the pattern? What temperature of drinks are they asking?

Thirst in acute ailments may change and for someone who normally only drinks warm drinks suddenly wanting cold drinks would indicate certain remedies. Eg. Phosphorus prefers cold, sparkling, drinks

3. How is their emotional state?

Are they clingier, want to be left alone? Emotional state together with aetiology is a very good guide where to go with remedy choice because as we need to remember a lot of physical complaints start from emotions or rather emotional disturbance.

4. Are they hotter or colder comparing with usual state?

Thermal state is a great indicator in states like colds, fevers or vomiting. Fever with a feeling of being cold is a striking picture which can point us to the right remedy.

I hope you find this information useful.
Using homeopathic terms lead to the more effective treatment.

So, if next time you are looking for homeopathic help, especially in your acute state then try to follow some pointers from this blog and see what happens. Let’s talk in a homeopathic language!

Speaking with a homeopath will be effortless if you describe your symptoms in a way explained above.




Are you getting ready for your summer escapes?

Here are some top remedies what to take with you when you go to discover some great places😊

Accidents or bruises?

Arnica is the number one remedy for any emergency situations including falls, accidents and bruises. Head injuries that affect mental functions or joints, muscle pain from injury. Backache from muscle strain, overuse. Black eye from injury.
So, whenever an accident during your summer adventures try Arnica for it.

Stomach bug while travelling?

Arsenicum album works wonders in case of food poisoning from bad meat, water, vegetables, melons and watery fruits. Food poisoning with nausea and vomiting. Normally presents with burning pain in the stomach. Also a person cannot bear sight or smell of food. Other typical symptom is craving for warm drinks in small sips and that ice-cold water distresses the stomach.
Any stomach problem from foods you should consider Arsenicum album at first.

Sudden fever with redness? Sunburn or throbbing headache?

While travelling we may have a sunburn, sudden fever or/ and headache. If your symptoms are presenting with hot, red and burning skin, flushed face that is a strong indication for Belladonna. Other characteristics are acuteness of all senses with congested headache presenting with throbbing and hammering. Symptoms are worse for light, noise and lying down. If that is presentation then it’s definitely an indication for Belladonna.

ARNICA- bruises and accident, ARSENICUM ALB- food poisoning, BELLADONNA- sunburn, fever and headaches

Are you flying far? Any time zone changes?

Or maybe you are going on a long boat cruise which can make you feel miserable? Cocculus is a remedy to have in your first aid for such a moment. It is a great remedy when our sleep has been disrupted due to night work and time zone change which can cause jet lag. It is also a marvellous remedy for car, train and boat sickness. If any of your acute complaints start from loss of sleep Cocculus is a remedy to consider.

Any bites by mosquitoes during your summer adventures?

Or maybe you are having long walks in the forest and you encounter some tick bites? Straight away Ledum is the first remedy to think of. Puncture, stab wounds and animal bites are another situation where it can be useful. The characteristic symtom is skin which may feel cold with general coldness but with heat on the face. Consider Ledum when you go away to use in such a situation.

Overindulging on holidays? Well, what holidays are for? 😉

Nux Vomica is a great rescue when we have a bit too much of different foods, like meats and fats, spices, sweets and alcohol. All of these mixed together might be too much for our stomach and then liver, causing the feeling of heaviness and pain in the stomach. Characteristic symptom is a sour taste, nausea and vomiting which may occur with much retching. The symptoms are worse in cold, open air and in the morning. If that happens, think about Nux Vomica.
So yes, it is an essential remedy to have on hand while on adventures somewhere in a beautiful and exotic place.

COCCULUS- jetlag, travel sickness, LEDUM- insect bites, NUX VOMICA- hangover, nausea and vomiting.

What are my favorite homeopathic remedies? You will find out in my next series of blogs.
Stay tuned, happy travels and let’s talk about homeopathy! 😊